Ultimate Fruit Basket Salad

By: Manjula Jain

Serving : 6 people

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Ultimate Fruit Basket Salad

Ultimate Fruit Basket Salad

The ultimate fruit basket salad is aptly named because it looks like a basket. It is a great presentation that will impress your family and friends. Its like a healthy dessert alternative.

Ultimate Fruit Basket Salad


  • 1 Large Watermelon
  • 1 Pineapple
  • 2 Sweet Mangoes
  • 1 Cantaloupe
  • 1 pound Strawberries
  • 4 Tsp Dry instant vanilla pudding powder
  • 2 Tsp Sweetened Coconut powder


  • Cut Watermelon in shape of Basket.
  • Cut all the fruit into medium size pieces.
  • Sprinkle the dry instant pudding mix over the fruits and refrigerate overnight.
  • Sprinkle coconut powder just before serving.


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