Soya Fruit Nut Magic Smoothie

By: Manjula Jain

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Soya Fruit Nut Magic Smoothie

Soya Fruit Nut Magic Smoothie

Soya Fruit Nut Magic is a refreshing smoothie to cool off from the summer heat. Its a nice beverage to quench the heat.

Soy Fruit Nut Smoothie



  • 1/2 cup  soya milk
  • 1/2 cup  watermelon pieces (de-seeded)
  • 2 no's strawberries
  • 1 no banana
  • 1/2 apple (cut into 4 small pieces)
  • 2 no's almonds
  • 2 no's cashew nuts
  • 2 dates - (remove seeds)
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/2 cup crushed ice


  • small watermelon cubes - 4no. (optional)
  • 1 spoon glazed mixed peel



  • soak almonds and cashew nuts both in a small cup of water for 20 minutes and then remove the skin of almonds and keep aside
  • remove seeds in dates and soak them in water for 20 minutes and keep aside
  • now blend soy milk, watermelon pieces, strawberries, banana, apple, vanilla essence, soaked almonds, cashew nuts and dates. (number of dates can be adjusted according to taste)
  • add crushed ice and blend again and pour in tall glass.
  • now add watermelon cubes into glass and stir it with spoon once.
  • and now garnish it with mixed peel and serve.


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