Red Chili (lal mirch)

By: Manjula Jain

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Red Chili (lal mirch)

Red Chili (lal mirch)

Red chilies are used in indian cooking as one of the main spice. Red chilies are used whole, crushed or in powder form. Sun dried red chilies vary from red to blackish brown in color. Red chilies comes in many varieties some are hotter then other. The intense heat of the chili is concentrated in the seeds.

Red Chilli
Red Chilli Red chilies are used in indian cooking as one of the main spice. Red chilies are used whole, crushed or in powder form. Sun dried red chilies vary from red to blackish brown in color. Red chilies comes in many varieties some are hotter then other. The intense heat of the chili is concentrated in the seeds.


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    July 27, 2014 at 1:47 am

    Ya can I use cayenne because we do not have any indian markets by me.

    October 25, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    Can I use Cayenne pepper instead?

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