Paneer Broccoli Fritters

By: Manjula Jain

Serving : 3 people
Total Time :1 hour

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Paneer Broccoli Fritters

Paneer Broccoli Fritters

This appetizer is protein rich as it has both paneer and broccoli in it. Yummy snack for breakfast or with evening tea

Paneer Broccoli Fritters


  • 150 grams Broccoli 10-12 florets - this will make 1/3rd cup of broccoli paste
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/2 Tbsp plain flour Maida
  • 150 ml Milk
  • 1/3 cup Mashed and boiled potatoes
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tsp Chili flakes
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper powder finely crushed
  • 1 cup grated paneer
  • 1/4 cup cornflour
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying


To make broccoli paste with white sauce

  • Boil the milk and cook broccoli for 5-7 mins or till it has become tender. Strain broccoli and keep aside the milk to use in the white sauce.
  • Once broccoli is cool down at room temperature, grind it in a mixer.

To Make Fritters

  • Take a frying pan, add 1tbsp butter and 1 bay leaf in it. After 30sec add broccoli paste in it. Fry them for 3-4 mins.
  • Add maida to it and after saute it for 1 minute, add the milk kept aside slowly so that there are no lumps. Stir continuously. Simmer for 3-4 mins. Add potatoes, salt, black pepper and chili flakes in this mixture and keep saute it until it becomes dry enough to make balls out of it.
  • Switch off the flame and add grated paneer in it. Keep this mix in a container, cling wrap it and refrigerate it for 30 mins.
  • Scoop out a spoonful of the mix and make the oval shape of it. Keep it on a plate.
  • Make cornflour slurry with water. Dip the oval shape paneer broccoli mix in cornflour paste and then in breadcrumbs and deep fry them.
  • Serve the hot Paneer Broccoli fritters with tomato ketchup.


Adding potato will give binding to the mixture and give a good shape to fritters. Also please remove bay leaf from the mixture after adding paneer in it and keep it in the fridge.


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