Fruit Fiesta

By: Manjula Jain

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Fruit Fiesta

Fruit Fiesta

Seasonal fruit such as cantaloupe, mango and grapes tastes even more refreshing splashed with a flavorful honey-lime-mint dressing for a sweet fruit salad. A simply elegant fruit salad paired with sweet yogurt and tangy honey- lemon-mint dressing makes it a refreshing treat on its own.

Fruit Fiesta


  • Pineapple chunks
  • Orange segments
  • Halved fresh strawberries
  • Seedless black and green grapes
  • Cantaloupe chunks
  • Banana sliced
  • Kiwi sliced
  • Mango Cubed


  • 1/2 fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 orange juice
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • Fresh mint leaves washed and crushed

Yoghurt Whip

  • 1 Cup Yoghurt
  • 1 spoon Cardamom powder
  • 2-3 spoon powdered sugar (optional)


  • In a big bowl add all fruit, and mix well
  • To make dressing whisk lemon juice, orange juice, crushed mint leaves and honey together in a small bowl and drizzle over the fruit mixture and toss to coat
  • Take yoghurt in a bowl and add cardamom powder and powder sugar (optional) mix it well
  • Now take a bowl and add a layer of fruits then a layer of yoghurt whip and then another layer of fruits and yoghurt whip
  • Add final layer of fruits and garnish it with mint leaves
  • Refrigerate 1 hour before serving.


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