Mint Lemonade

Mint Lemonade
Mint Lemonade

Mint lemonade

Mint lemonade is a refreshing beverage for hot summer days and a “must” for picnics. Serves 4.
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Course Beverages, Drinks
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people


  • 6 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 8 Tbsp sugar
  • ¼ cup fresh mint leaves
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black salt optional
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper
  • 32 oz cold water
  • tsp roasted ground cumin powder to garnish
  • Mint leaves to garnish
  • Ice cubes


  • Blend the mint leaves and lemon juice into paste. Add sugar, salt, black salt, and black pepper. Blend together.
  • Mix the lemonade solution with water and pour over ice. Garnish with mint leaves and cumin powder.


Every ingredient in this recipe can be adjusted to your taste.
  • Replace water with soda water.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger juice.
Keyword Gluten Free, juice, julip, lemon, lemonade, mint, nimbu pani, shikanji, summer
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


26 responses to “Mint Lemonade”

  1. ajith

    Very nice

  2. Jaya

    Ever since my holiday in Miami where I first tasted mint lemonade I’ve been searching for a good recipe. This one seems to be IT! Will try this in Summer- can’t wait!!

    1. Jaya

      My absolute fav and I share this recipe with everyone.

  3. Uzma

    It’s looking very tasty… I will try it….:)

  4. Carmen

    Do you strain this or are the blended leaves part if the drink? Just wondering? Thanks!

    1. Carmen,
      Blrnded leaves are part of the drink.

  5. preety

    hi manjula aunty
    it’s very good

  6. The picture itself looks so refreshing. I have never made one but will soon. With the summer on and its around 42 degrees of temperature this drink is really required. Also, i think its muchhhh better that packed and can drinks.

    Manjula, really some great recipes in here.

  7. Geet

    Hi Aunty,

    Thanks a lot for providing such valuable information on all kinds of Indian Recepies. Am newly married and everyday i try out something new from your website. That’s how i impress my husband B’coz as its very commonly said that ” THE WAY TO A MAN’s HEART IS THRU HIS STOMACH ” …. 🙂


  8. Makram

    Man..this lemonade recipe really worked my family thought that I bought it from a resturant! Manjula thanks for helping me inspire my family.

    Thanks again,
    Makram . A

  9. Mark

    Thank you very much for this web site! Within the last year and a half I broke up with a very special Indian girl and was spoiled on a daily basis with Ayurvedic and traditional Indian cooking from her mother. I stupidly after almost three years never learned how to cook the food properly. Your site has been a savior to me! I take my laptop into my kitchen and it feels as if I have my very own personal chef. Thanks again.

  10. Kala

    Hi Manjula,

    I am a frequent visitor of ur website. Your receipes are too good.
    I love them.
    Your website is like a bible for me 🙂


  11. vivek samadhiya

    dear mam,

    i love to cooking when i free and invite to my friends.i serve you recipies to my friends they enjoy it alot.pls post an other more recipies.

    thanks you.

    vivek samadhiya
    kavita samadhiya

  12. kanchan verma

    hi manjula’
    ur mint lemonade is awesome…. can please tell me how to make suanf ka pani ? I had in some party but dont have the recepie…. if u can help me please…


  13. Reema

    Where is the video?
    I can see picture only.

    1. Hi Reema,
      For lemonade I have just recipe and picture.

  14. sushmalohit

    hi aunty,
    how ru i think ur recipies r to good . i tried mint lemonade yesterday
    in the evening it was really good n refreshing
    thanks a lot ,,,,,,, can u plz tell me wat is zucchini in hind or kannada

    1. mahima

      its turaiee

  15. Priya

    hey auntie………… friends are coming 4 a birthday party,what should i make 4 them????????

    1. Hi Priya,
      For whom you are having birthday party and how many friends coming. I am giving this suday small chat party. Menu is papdi chat, chola tikki. pani puri and gulab jamun.

  16. MANI

    hello aunty…can i make it a day before,referigarete it…

  17. sunita

    Hi aunty,
    normally my kids don’t like these type of drinks but yesterday I tried it was great all were happy thanks a tons

  18. Juanita

    I tried this today, it was most refreshing! I was surprised at how well the pepper and cumin went with the lemonade. I never would have thought of such a wonderful twist to one of my favorite drinks, thank you!!

  19. hina

    hi aunty,
    i think yur recipies are just too good…..and the best part is they are veg, me being a jain….it helps a lot…it wud be great if u can post recipies of some western dishes as well…

  20. Raveena

    Hi Manjula,
    I made your Zucchini rice twice and absolutely loved it.
    I also tried your samosa recipe and so thats the best samosa recipe I ever found.

    Thank you.

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