Sandesh (Bangali Sweet)
- 1/2 gallon equal to 8 cups milk
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 tsp cardamom ground
- 2 tbsp sliced pistachios
- 8 strands of saffron
- 2 tbsp crushed pineapple
- Make the paneer (check the recipe for paneer).
- Drain the whey using a strainer line with cheesecloth, or muslin cloth. Wrap the curds in a muslin cloth, rinse under cold water, and squeeze well.
- Once the paneer is drained, place on a dry, clean surface and knead the paneer until the paneer is almost rolls into smooth soft dough.
- Add the sugar and cardamom into the paneer and knead the paneer again until sugar is mixed well.
- Next on low heat cook the paneer mixture stirring continuously until paneer starts coming together as soft dough. This should take about 6 to 7 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and keep mixing the paneer like you are making dough. This is most important step to this dish; you are just cooking paneer enough to take out the rawness. If you over cook the paneer it will become crumbly.
- Mix the saffron thread in 1 teaspoon of warm milk and mix it well. Keep aside.
- Divide the paneer in 24 equal parts and roll them giving a ball shape.
- Garnish with crushed pineapple, or garnish them with a drop of saffron paste putting sliced pistachio over.
- Refrigerate them for few hours before serving. Serve them chilled!
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