Masala Thai Iced Tea

By: Manjula Jain

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Masala Thai Iced Tea

Masala Thai Iced Tea

Masala Thai Iced Tea is a refreshing take on the traditional Thai iced tea infused with Indian spices. Its a great beverage to be tried during summers and infused with spices it acts as a healthy option to be tried.

Masala Thai Iced Tea



  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 inch piece peeled ginger
  • 2 green cardamom pods, crushed slightly
  • 2-3 small pieces cinnamon
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1/2 - 1 tablespoon loose tea (depending upon taste) or 2 black tea bags
  • 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk, adjust as needed
  • 1-2 sprigs of mint leaves



  • In a sauce pan / pot, put water, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, fennel seeds and let it come to a boil.
  • After water comes to a boil, put tea and let it steep for 3-5 minutes until tea loses its color and fragrance into the water.
  • Cool the tea mixture and let it come to room temperature.
  • Strain the tea using a sieve and mix well with the condensed milk. Taste for sweetness and adjust condensed milk according to taste.
  • Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Garnish with mint sprigs just before serving. Tea is best served when chilled.


Additional Tips:
  • To add more flavor, top with whipped cream and/or make a swirl with some more condensed milk to make it look prettier.


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    saba mohd.waseem
    August 27, 2012 at 10:32 pm

    you are best chef in the world and your dishes is superb.

    […] 1st Place: Siminder Kaur (Masala Thai Iced Tea) […]

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