How To Make Yogurt

Step-by-step guide to making homemade yogurt

Step-by-step guide to making homemade yogurt

How To Make Yogurt – Homemade Dahi

Homemade Yogurt tastes delicious and is very refreshing. Yogurt is high in protein and calcium. It is easy to make, you only need milk and the right culture / starter.
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Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 22 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Indian
Servings 6 people


  • 3-1/2 cups milk
  • 2 tbsp yogurt or use the dry starter you can buy


  • Boil the milk and let it cool down to 110 to 120 degree. You can use a candy thermometer to check the temperature, if the milk gets too hot it kills the bacteria in the culture.
  • After milk cools down pour the milk into a bowl that you want to make the yogurt in.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of yogurt from previously home made yogurt or use the dry yogurt starter. Package will tell you how much dry starter to use. Don’t follow the other directions from the dry starter package. Mix the yogurt with milk by stirring gently.
  • Cover the bowl with a light blanket or folded sheet, and keep it in warm place for about 4 hours.
  • After yogurt is set, refrigerate for at least an hour before using.


If you prefer more creamy mix ¼ cup of half & half milk or boil the full milk for about 5 minutes longer to reduce the milk in volume to give more creamy texture to the yogurt.
I have tried using starters from many store bought yogurt including organic or Greek yogurt, and they don’t work. I think because store bought yogurt has many artificial additives.
Store bought yogurt is more firm because of the pectin.
Yogurt can be made using 1%, 2% or full milk and full milk yogurt will have more body to it.
There are two ways to make yogurt creamier. 1) With 3 cups of milk use 1 cup of half & half milk OR 2) boil the full milk for about 5 minutes longer to reduce the milk in volume to give more creamy texture to the yogurt.
Keyword Ghar Ka Bana Dahi, Plain Yogurt
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


81 responses to “How To Make Yogurt”

  1. Paige Henderson

    I just tried this method, and my yogurt stayed very liquid. What could I have done wrong? I used a store bulgarian style yogurt as a starter.

    1. Paige, so far I did not have good luck using store bought yogurt in USA as a starter

  2. Neelam verma

    Someone told me to beat the curd starter well , before adding milk to it. About 1 tsp of curd ( well whisked) + 1 litre of Luke warm ( not hot nor at room temperature) . Keep it wrapped in an old woollen sweater in winters. Result is always , a very tight set curd.

  3. Praveen

    Hi Madam

    Where to get active culture in Bangalore to added to curd/ yogurt. Thanks

    1. Vinita singh

      From where we get pure culture or starter for yogurt in Bangalore pls inform me

      1. Vinita, in India it is easy to get the yogurt culture, your friend or neighbor are good source.

  4. Akila

    In winter i reduce the milk to 140 and then add the yoghurt culuture. Manjula do you recommend this temp

  5. Vatsala


    If store bought yoghurts are used as a starter – I recommend buying ‘Full Fat Organic Plain Yoghurt’. I tend to use them as starters and it works out beautifully. I tend to stay away from Plain Greek yoghurt as a starter. That doesn’t work. Brands like ‘Trader Joe’s Whole Plain yoghurt’ or ‘Wallaby plain yoghurt work very well.

  6. Anu

    Manjulaji, I love your site and your hard work. I recently tried Strauss Organic yogurt (full fat) and I could get the yogurt started from that culture. Its the only store bought yogurt that worked for me. Hope this helps.

  7. kamal

    I am from Bhutan. I wanted to know where can I get the packing materials for yogurt in 200 and 400 grams size.

  8. Ayesha Ross

    Thank you for sharing your yogurt recipe. I have made it in the past now I want to go back to making my own again. My middle eastern friends seem to never run out of yogurt (smile). It’s like second nature to them. You make it seem so easy…Thanks Ayesha

  9. Suman

    Can I buy the starter for curd in a store??
    Where did u get it?

    1. Urmila

      Hi where would I get stater from I’m in London thanks

  10. anu

    plz tell me what to do with milk and curd mixture if it doesnt makes curd even after a long time

  11. jas

    Manjula ji, hugs kisses to you!!! I love you! I got confidence to cook from your site. And today thanks to you, I can cook. God bless you with a long life and many many more recipes. when is your birthday Manjula ji??

  12. Michael


    You are an Angel in cooking.

    I want to go to India now to your home for learning many dishes.. you bring me so much happiness and joy by giving us so many good styles and cooking advises.. I love you auntieji.

  13. becky ezra

    thank you so much for clear video how to make a yogurt!! bless you.

  14. nono

    NAMSTA aunty thx for your recpie

    There are two ways to make yoghurt creamier. 1) With 3 cups of milk
    use 1 cup of half & half milk OR 2) boil the full milk for about 5 minutes longer to reduce the milk in volume to give more creamy texture to the yogurt.
    i didn’t understand 3 cups and half
    i add 1 cup more

    or 1cup and half

    1. Kiran

      She meant Half and Half..the creamer or thick milk used in making Coffee in the USA

  15. Chi Logger

    The way to make yogurt creamier without boiling it for a longer time, etc etc, is to get a cheese cloth. After the yogurt is done, put the yogurt in a cheese cloth bag and let it drain in your refrigerator till a lot of the liquid is gone (2-4 hours). Then it will be thick and creamy.

  16. rewa

    Hi Ma”am. I am a regular viewer of your site & i am receiving your mails too,thanks for it. Ma”‘am i was just surfing your site for some recipe related to Janmashtami when i came across this recipe of making yogurt.In this context i want to know as to what is Dry Yogurt Starter{hindi name of it} and where can i get in Delhi. Secondly,for knowing the temperature of warm milk you have mentioned Candy Thermometer.Now what is this ?and from where can i get this thermometer?how does it look like?Hope you will give reply of this mail and solve my queries.

    1. Namrata

      A candy thermometer, also known as a sugar thermometer, is a cooking thermometer used to measure the temperature and therefore the stage of a cooking sugar solution. (See Candy making for a description of sugar stages.) These thermometers can also be used to measure hot oil for deep frying. has it, also any kitchen appliance stores

  17. montuos

    You really can use store-bought yogurt for the starter; that’s all I have ever used. You just have to be careful to check the ingredients list and make sure that it says “Contains active bacterial cultures”. If it does not contain active cultures then it will not start a new batch of yogurt.

    1. Gjams

      I agree. I have only used store bought plain yogurt and it has always worked a 100%. I’ve been making you hurt for the past 7 years now and never have I failed. I must say that I leave it for 8 hr overnight . I use the Yogourmet Electric Yogurt Maker. Just add some warm water put your yogurt container in and plug it in. It is as simple as that. No messing around with blankets n sheets.

  18. Hi,

    I live in Jamaica and still find your website helpful. I recently became a vereterian and am trying to stay away from animal products so I only use natural milks like coconut milk, soy milk, almond milk ect. Can I use any of these milks to make this recipe?

    1. Jaya

      Julia, coconut milk will probably work the best as a milk replacement for most recipes, but none of the milk substitutes will work well to make paneer (Indian cheese) or kheer (Rice pudding).

      1. Julia

        Thanks Jaya. I will definitely be trying that.

        1. Lu

          Also I noticed a starter kit for vegetarians it works with all of them and you can get it on amazon

    2. Zakia

      I always warm my oven on 300 degrees for 5 minutes than place this curd mixture in it … 100% your curd will not go bad , secondly don’t use a steel utensil , use clay pot or plastic .. Darkness and warmth helps in making good curd ..

  19. DEVIKA

    I have tried a number of your recipes and enjoyed them very much. However yesterday I made dahi which just did not set. Can you suggest what we can do with the unset dahi? How can it be used again/

  20. Jim

    Hi Aunty,
    Can you tell me how long it will stay good in the refrigerator? Also, how long will the two tbsp of starter you reserved will last in the refrigerator? I know it sounds like the same question, but there may be a difference.

    Thank you in advance for your response, and thank you for this lovely recipe, I can’t wait to try it.


    1. Jim
      For both queation answer is the same about 2 weeks. Always save the starter from new batch of yogurt.

  21. mehnaz

    hi aunty i m frm kashmir i just read ur web site &i like it plz help me in making yogurt

  22. kanika

    where can we find yogurt starter??

  23. ujina

    hi Aunty,

    i live in china. i have just started reading your website and it is very interesting. i love to cook but i do not have a knowledge about cooking. yesterday i made yogurt as written in your website and i used to do same in siliguri india in my laws home, it worked but why it did not work here. i did the same and put it into wheat box but without a blanket. right now here is very cold. so please help me to make yogurt.

    1. Chetna

      I think it didn’t work because of cold… Keeping a blanket might help….

  24. Deepali

    Manjula aunty,
    I love your cooking, it is so delicious and so simple, my tummy feels happy everytime. My query is, how to make yogurt in cold places like US, Canada.

    I boiled the milk, cool it down, use the starter culture. kept in warm place like warm oven to for few hours, it still did not work.
    please help.

    1. Kiran

      Put the milk with culture in the oven (regular oven, NOT microwave) near the light and just turn on the light in oven..


      Just the light in the oven..

  25. Abirami

    Hi Aunty!!!!

    Can the yogurt which was prepared using the dry yogurt starter be used for further curd preparation as culture? Will it come out well?

    Thanks in Advance.


    Vanakkam, Mrs. Manjula I the curd (yogurt) the way U said but I did not have the starter instead I got some sample yogurt from a Punjabi restaurant, and it came out excellant. I really enjoyed the taste of original indian curd. Thank you for your kind recipe.
    Francina amaldas,
    Hesperia, CA,

  27. Shweta

    Hi Manjula Aunty

    I checked in and found many brands for dry yogurt starter. Can you please let me know which brand you used so I can order the same? And all your recipes are really great and very easy to understand and make. Thanks a ton! 🙂

    1. Shweta,
      I have tried Cuisipro Yogurt Culture and Girmi RI52 yogurt starter both works good.

  28. karimy

    really great idea and abbreviate method, thank a lot for posting this essential information.

  29. alisha

    this did not work at all. i did not have a dry starter and used the 2tbsp of yoghurt to make the new yoghurt, but after about 4 hours nothing happened, it was just as liquid as the milk. very dissapointing. i left it in for about a day and still nothing.

    1. Aisha,
      Store baught yogurt does not work

  30. diane

    Manjula, I love your recipes. Thank you so much!

    I tried the Euro Cuisine starter with whole milk, waited impatiently, for 4 hours and NOTHING happened!

    I ordered the starter by mail, is it possible that in the deep south the heat killed the starter? (The pkg says to keep it refirgerated, but it sat in my maibox for hours.)

    What do you think? Thank you.

  31. Baggy

    Hi ,

    Thanks for the Awsome recipes.

    I did’nt have Dry Starter and used 2 Tbspns of Ready made Yogurt in warm Milk, now its above 12 hrs but Yogurt is not Set 🙁

    Please tell me the right way as I dont have starter.

    1. anuj KAinth

      rewarm it in the microwave for about 5 mins. Put it in a container with a lid, wrap it in a towel and put it somewhere dark . preferably at bedtime so that in the AM you will have yogurt!!

  32. sonali

    thank you for all your amazing practical and delicious recepies

  33. Sana

    First, I would like to say thank you for all the great recipe you have provided us. I visit your website almost everyday. I really like this recipe, since everyone in my family eats yogurt I will love to make it. I just have one question, where can I find dry yogurt starter, I live in Virginia.

    Thank you,


  34. Mika


    Thank you for all your amazing recipes!

    Have you tried to freeze some yogurt and use as culture next time?

    Thank you,

    1. Jaya

      Mika, I think freezing the yogurt will kill the live cultures and render it useless.

  35. gayathiri

    halo mdm manjula,
    u have very big hearted to share all your recipes to the world. thank you so much. i’ve try afew recipe from here and it turn out well. you’re so generous. here i wanted to ask to make the yogurt and paneer which milk suppose to use? isit cow milk or powder milk? Thank you again mdm Manjula. God Bless u always!! Looking for your reply.

    thank you

  36. maya


    How should I store the two tbs of yogurt-as-culture and how long can I keep it before I make a new batch of yogurt?

    Love your videos.

    Thank you.

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    very cool blog site. Afflicted me with a more beneficial information about all of the financial crisis. Thanks a lot buddy

  38. nosheen

    aww i just love ur cooking aunty <3

  39. Neelam

    I was just wondering how long you can store the yogurt which you have made at home?

  40. Paru

    Hello Aunty,

    Can you tell me which brand of starter is best? I found a couple of names and I am not sure which is good.


    1. Paru,
      These are the two different brand I have tried, Cuisipro and Euro Cuisine Yogurt Starter

  41. ayesha

    dear manjula didi,
    your cooking style is very interesting.i like u very much.
    i try ur rasgullas become very testy.
    thank u .

  42. Mavi

    Hello, Manjula!!
    I enjoy your program and I make your recipes they’re deliciuos!!
    Thank you!
    By the way microwave ovens are not good to use because they destroy
    the nutrients, they’re as many modern inventions never tried before and even if they did, is money making, like cell phones that is known to cause brain tumors, and they’re still being used.


    i’ve seen this and i love ur cooking syle.
    please send me mail if u can…

  44. Barbara

    Namastay Auntie Ji

    i want to know how to make spicy yogurt with cilantro and other vegatables, do you know what name is because i forgot name.

    thank you
    बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद

  45. hussein


    Manjulaji, kindly make me understand this line in tips section:

    With 3 cups of milk use 1 cup of half & half milk

    Hope you will reply.
    God bless you Manjulaji.

    1. Hussein,
      If you want to make more creamy yogurt.

      1. hussein

        Manjulaji, What does ( 1 cup of half & half milk ) mean.
        Kindly reply.

        1. A

          Half & Half in the US is a mixture of milk and cream in equal proportions

  46. riddhi

    hi aunty,
    ur recipes are really easy to make and very delicious…….they r just too irresistable………keeping getting new recipes love too try ur recipes…….

  47. Haroon

    Dear Baji,
    i m very happy to see and this all really help me a lot,
    i just wana ask, how long yogurt starter can keep?
    i had try the powder milk for make the yogurt and that is really works more better then fresh milk, cause where i m living very hard to get the fresh milk,
    thanks a lot for help us to cook at home when we are away from our own country….

  48. Meghna

    Hi manjula aunty , thanks for sharing this recipe with every one i tried this way and its work perfect
    Thank you very much

  49. simran brar

    hello manjula aunty,
    can we use lemon juice instead of starter????
    love you

    1. Simran
      I tried lemon juice as somebody has suggested but for me this didn’t work.

  50. Aaron

    Namaste aunty, this recipe looks very good, thank you for sharing! I had a few questions, we usually make dahi with the 2 tablespoons of old starter, and I dont really like the tart taste. Is there any way that we can add some sugar, or sweetner to cut the sour flavor? I dont want to make dahi, and then have the sugar mess it up. I figured you would know. And I also wanted to know, to make it thicker, can we strain it in cheesecloth? And also, Im sure you have seen the yoplait whips yogurt mousse. Do you know if there is a way how to make that? Thank you so much!

  51. Monika

    Can you make the yogurt without boiling the milk and just warming it to 110 degrees? Is making it creamy the only reason you boil the milk?

  52. Bharati

    What is Dry Starter? Where can I find it?
    Thank you

  53. Sukshma

    Hi Manjulaji! I love your blog…. I refer to it a lot. Thank you!

    To make thick and creamy yogurt, I add 2 tbsps of whole milk powder to 4 cups of boiled and cooled milk before adding in the starter. It comes out very tasty and kids just love it!

  54. Ane

    just one more thing that second time when you want to set second time yogurt, can we use same yogurt what we set first time?
    we have to use the dry yogurt starter packet?

    1. Manjula

      Please, watch the video again. Everything is well explained there.

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