Double Decker Apple Coconut Pineapple Burfi

By: Manjula Jain

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Double Decker Apple Coconut Pineapple Burfi

Double Decker Apple Coconut Pineapple Burfi

Apple coconut and Pineapple Burfi is a simple and yummy fruity burfi with no fat and also looks great with two different colored layers. Its a dessert with a fusion of apple, coconut and pineapple.

Double Decker Burfi


for Apple Coconut layer

  • 2 Red Apples (Roughly grated)
  • 1/4 Cup  Grated Coconut (Packed)
  • drop of Coconut extract (Optional)
  • pinch of Red food color (Optional)
  • 1/2 Cup  Sugar

for Pineapple layer

  • 1 Cup Crushed Pineapple
  • 1/2 Cup 1/2 Cup Milk powder - ( Packed)
  • Pineapple extract - a drop (Optional)
  • Yellow color - a pinch (Optional)
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar


for Apple Coconut layer

  • Heat a pan and fry the grated apples until all the juices get evaporated.
  • When the apple seem to have got half cooked add in coconut, extract, food color, sugar and keep stirring the mixture on a medium to low flame, until the entire mixture comes together as a ball without sticking to the pan.
  • This consistency is something very similar to the usual coconut burfi.
  • At this stage transfer the mixture to a greased pan and let it cool.
  • Next prepare the pineapple layer for the burfi.

for Pineapple layer

  • Grind the crushed pineapple into a coarse paste.
  • Heat a pan add the pineapple paste and cook until it becomes dry.
  • Now add in the milk powder, pineapple extract, color, sugar and cook the mixture on low flame until the entire mixture comes together as a ball without sticking to the pan.
  • Now transfer this mixture on the already made apple coconut layer.


Let the burfi cool down for 30 minutes and then cut into desired shape and size.
If desired the burfis can be garnished with silvered almonds or cashews.


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    Zohra RAJAH
    July 5, 2012 at 12:23 am

    I would like to know whether it is tin pine apple or fresh one.

    Your reply will be highly appreciated.

    Thanks & best regards

    February 8, 2012 at 7:18 pm

    Thanks so much for linikng your recipe up at Muffin Monday! Hope to see you again this week!

    […] 2nd Place: Shanthi Bhuvan (Double Decker Burfi – Apple Coconut and Pineapple Burfi) […]

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