Cucumber Honeydew Cooler with Blueberry Ice

By: Manjula Jain

Serving : 2 Cucumber Honeydew

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Cucumber Honeydew Cooler with Blueberry Ice

Cucumber Honeydew Cooler with Blueberry Ice

This cucumber honeydew cooler with blueberry ice is a refreshing sweet, summer tart drink with a hint of lime and blueberry.

Cucumber Honeydew Cooler with Blueberry Ice



  • 1 cucumber, peeled and juiced
  • 2 cups honeydew flesh, juiced
  • About 3 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • Pinch of salt



  • Combine cucumber, honeydew and lime juice and salt.
  • Blend most of the blueberries (reserve a handful) with ½ cup of water.
  • Strain the blueberry purée into an ice cube tray, filling up half of the molds. In each of the other molds, place 3-5 whole blueberries (from the reserved handful) and fill with water. Put in freezer to set for about two hours.
  • To serve, arrange the blueberry ices in a glass alternately and top with juice. Garnish with sprig of mint. If desired, sugar or other sweetener can be added. Enjoy!


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    August 17, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    Thanks for Great recipes. I follow your posts regularly but unfortunately of late I can’t see you feed images in google reader.

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