Bean Sprouts Salad Spring Roll

By: Manjula Jain

Serving : 5 people

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Bean Sprouts Salad Spring Roll

Bean Sprouts Salad Spring Roll

This Bean Sprouts Salad Spring Roll recipe is Vietnamese cuisine inspired salad. I give credit to my very dear friend Anaya for this recipe and she in turn gives credit to her friend and food network. 
No matter what changes we make, this spring roll is tasty, healthy, very filling, very colorful, and quick & easy to make. It has always been a very big hit whenever I have taken to potluck. Hope you all enjoy it.
This versatile spring roll can be eaten with mint sauce or cilantro. I have used mint dressing in this recipe. I especially like this since it is not fried, tasty and a healthy salad which I like to skip a meal and eat this instead.

Bean Sprouts Salad Spring Roll



  • 3 Cups Bean sprouts
  • 1 Cup Carrots (thin French cut)
  • 1 Cup Beets (thin French cut)
  • 1/2 Cup Cilantro (finely chopped)
  • 1/3 Cup Roasted peanuts (skin removed)
  • 1 tsp Black sesame oil
  • 1/4 tsp Salt (or to taste)
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper powder (or to taste)
  • 1 Green chili (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 Lime juice (squeezed)
  • 1 package Rice spring roll wrappers

Mint Dressing:

  • 1/2 Cup Mint (chopped)
  • 2 Green chillies
  • 1/2 tsp Ginger (shredded)
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp Jaggery
  • 1/2 Cup Water (or more - to use in the blender)

Dressing Preparation

  • Mix everything in a blender.
  • Adjust chilies and salt according to taste.
  • Dilute more if desired.



  • In a mixing bowl take 3 cups of bean sprouts and set aside.
  • Cut carrots and beets into thin strips and add to bean sprouts. Chop cilantro and green chilies finely and add to the bowl.
  • Dry roast 1/3 cup of peanuts without oil and mix it in.
  • Add I tsp of black sesame oil, salt, pepper powder, lime juice and set aside for 15 minutes.
  • Now take the rice paper wrapper (Available in all Chinese/Vietnamese grocery store) and follow the instructions on the wrapper to fold it.
  • Divide the salad into 10 equal parts or stuff in a handful at a time.
  • Most of the rice paper needs to be soaked in water for 2-3 minutes and put the stuffing in and roll it. Once put in water it becomes very soft and pliable.


  1. Tastes best when served immediately after the salad is wrapped.
  2. If planning to make for a party, make the stuffing ready and wrap it 30 minutes before or if wrapped at an earlier time, roll each wrap in saran wrap so that it does not stick to each other.
  3. Be innovative and add vegetables and nuts as per your taste.
  4. Serve on a fancy bowl or lettuce.


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    April 4, 2011 at 8:52 am

    I think it’s the way you worded it Angel and how it soundd that came off wrong – before the contestant had a chance to respond, my first thought after reading your post was – that’s a little rude, isn’t it? Glad you apologized though because everyone has different ideas and not everyone thinks the same.

    March 31, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    Beautiful recipe and I LOVE the flowers. xx

    March 29, 2011 at 3:11 am

    wow… presentation is very beautiful. i hope it will taste yummy.all the best.

      March 31, 2011 at 4:05 pm

      The salad spring-rolls look delicious and oh so “summery”. I would love to try these. But please let’s stick with the presentaion that’s really appropriate. Unless the flowers were used in the recipe (some edible flowers are used in recipes) their use just seems redundant. Garnish and presentation should really represent the dish, and complement it. Maybe it’s just me….

        March 31, 2011 at 7:49 pm

        Thanks for your advice.
        My idea behind the flowers were to make it represent SPRING-THE ACTUAL THEME OF THE CONTEST.

        I have seen fresh flowers used in fabulous cakes to decorate even by proffesionals.

          March 31, 2011 at 7:54 pm

          And also if you can google for cakes,desserts,salads decorated with fresh flowers.You will see a ton.

            April 3, 2011 at 5:37 pm

            Oh dear! I did not mean to upset you!!! In fact I really liked your salad. It looks pretty, delicious as well as seems so cooling on the palate! I just earnestly thought it could have used some other way (than flowers) to beautify it more. I apologize if you took it any other way. And yes I am totally aware of the flowers being used in food decore, especially cakes and salads. Most cakes use edible fresh flowers like roses, lavender, day lilies, Bagonias and even chrysanthemums. There are soooo many of them! And some cakes even use these flowers made of gum paste (sugar). So totally agree with you on that.

            You did a good job on the recipe. Many congratulations on winning:)

            April 3, 2011 at 6:48 pm

            Thanks.I learn’t something new.I did not know that the flowers you have mentioned are edible.Now it makes sense why only certain types of fresh flowers are used in decoration.
            Thanks a lot for the advice.I really appreciate it .

            April 19, 2011 at 8:17 am

            I really liked the way Spoorthy presented her dish. I think she used that flowers only to represent her dish more colourful and attractive. We can use edible flowers when we put that flowers on the top of the food like cake or dessert to decorate it. But here Spoorthy used those flowers around the serving plate to make it’s appearance more refreshing and colourful. We often see beautiful flower vase in the restaurants just because of that. Otherwise there is no meaning to put a flower vase on the serving table of Restaurants.

    March 28, 2011 at 3:16 am

    sounds yummy, healthy as it need not be fried and less calorie!!!!!!

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