Watch For New Upcoming Recipes

Hi, so far the New Year is going as planned. I have been successfully de-cluttering my home but it’s taking a little longer than I planned. I keep on finding things that I have forgotten about but they bring back lots of memories. Basically that’s what takes so much time. I have saved lots of things for so many years thinking I may need them. I am now saying to myself if I have not used it for four years I am going to let it go.

I am also working on some new recipes. The recipe for Peda that is milk based candy is ready. The recipe for Matar Mathi Malai (fenugreek leaves with peas and creamy cashew nut sauce) is looking good. I need to test the recipe one more time, as this will be my first recipe where I will be using a cashew-based sauce. Also I’m working on a recipe for Atta (whole-wheat) Ladoo with Gaund (edible gum). I am trying different techniques, as the current recipe requires more ghee than I would like to use.Watch for new upcoming recipes.


10 responses to “Watch For New Upcoming Recipes”

  1. minakshi

    hello aunty,
    I like you reciped more because you are cooking without onion and garlic,which is very difficult nowadays. in our festivals and occasions we dont use onions and galic so its really helpful for me to get your are very easy to make at home.


    Hi Aunty,it’s really nice to hear that u r working on new recipes. It’s always a delight to watch ur recipes,especially for the people like me who r veggis and belong to Agarwal family.Aunty may i use condensed milk in almond cashew candy,if yes than how?
    Thanks n Regards.

  3. Shital

    Dear Aunty.
    Nice to see you on web. Aunty I want to know where do you live.
    I like your recipes and idea that you are giveing with the recipes.
    Also your recipes turnouts really nice. Just perfect. I would like to know about you. You are great.
    Many Thanks for recipes.



  4. vandana

    hi i want to ask u can we use frozen paneer in peda?give ma a please reply

  5. Kalrav

    Your recipes have helped me a lot… I wanted some information on tofu….is it the same as paneer…
    Please publish some recipes on tofu.

    1. Jaya

      Paneer and tofu are not the same.

      Paneer is made from milk and tofu is made from soy beans. The texture and flavor of each is different too.

      You can use tofu in some things to replace the paneer, BUT keep in mind it will not be the same as paneer. I have used tofu a few times, but then I stopped because I prefer paneer. It’s the authentic thing.

  6. Malini

    Namaste Auntyji,

    Happy New Year!!

    I have learnt a lot from your recipes. Small little tips n tricks that make a big difference in the taste, and the way we cook.
    Thank you so much for your time.
    I would like to learn a Kaddu( Pumpkin) ki subzi recipe. If you teach us something…

    Thank you and loads of love,

  7. Jaya

    It’s somewhere between “Jan” and “Jane”.

    The “ai” is a diphthong (2 letter combination) in Hindi. We don’t have that sound in English as it is pronounced in Hindi. Hindi has its own script and “ai” is the closest way to write that sound in English.

  8. I’m teaching a class on world religions. We are having a debate on the pronunciation of Jain. Is it pronounced with a short “a” sound such as in ran, a long “a” sound such as in rain, or some other way? We are finding this study quite interesting.

    1. Monica

      Kathryn in India we pronounce Jain as a long “a” sound such as in Rain..

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