Turmeric (haldi)

By: Manjula Jain

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Turmeric (haldi)

Turmeric (haldi)

Turmeric is an ancient spice, a native of south east asia, commonly used in curries, dyes, and as a condiment. It is still used in rituals of the hindu religion. Turmeric is a mild digestive. An ointment base on the spice is used as an antiseptic. Turmeric water is an asian cosmetic applied to impart a golden glow to the complexion. Turmeric is splendid against skin diseases.

Tumeric Turmeric is an ancient spice, a native of south east asia, commonly used in curries, dyes, and as a condiment. It is still used in rituals of the hindu religion. Turmeric is a mild digestive. An ointment base on the spice is used as an antiseptic. Turmeric water is an asian cosmetic applied to impart a golden glow to the complexion. Turmeric is splendid against skin diseases.


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