Start of 2018

happy family

Happy 2018!

2017 ended with a gala celebration. We enjoyed our unforgettable 50th anniversary party with our friends and family. This beautiful event was planned by our sons and their wives. After the holidays and this lovely celebration, I knew it was time for me come back to work! I must say 2017 was a relaxing year.

I must confess that 2018 didn’t start out as I had hoped it would. I ended up sick with the flu! My elder daughter-in-law and her mother visiting from India also got sick. Finally we all are doing well after almost a month of recovery. We are all healthy and feel much better thankfully. Now that these challenges are over I am ready to take on 2018!  I am bored and tired of resting. This is the first time I have felt well enough to think about what I can do differently for “Manjula’s Kitchen” from previous years. I know that I would like to get more comfortable with social media and use it more effectively. Stay tuned this year for more of the recipes and videos you love!


22 responses to “Start of 2018”

  1. John

    Thank you

  2. alexander George

    Great family photo shoot that is what a good family looks well done; love your recipes very Indian!

  3. Barkha Jain

    Manjula Aunty,

    Thank you for all your recipes. My son & I love to go through your website and try things. Almost all the recipes are fool proof. Thank you for the selfless work you do while rest of the world is trying to mint money. Our best wishes for your well being and good health.

  4. Heer

    Hi Manjula auntie,

    I normally don’t follow a Jain diet, but your recipes are the only thing helping me get through my pregnancy. If I have onions or garlic right now I start vomiting, and I can smell it coming out of my skin for the next four days! Even my husband has been banned from eating anything with garlic or onions for now, or I can smell him too haha.

    Thanks for these lovely recipes. I would always use your recipes even before I was pregnant, but now that I am, your recipes are the only ones that my stomach can handle, and are still taste and nutritious!

    1. Heer, thank you, I am happy

  5. Mrudula

    Whenever I feel home sick or down , I visit your website, all your videos, receipes are uplifting. Thanks for sharing your family pic. Always wish good health for your family. Love and hugs.

    1. Mrudula, thank you the best complement I have ever receive

  6. Happy 2018 beautiful Manjula Ji, you Rook!
    Thank you for all good recipies and all good tips.
    You can be my mother I love and cherish you.
    You modeled a beautiful family.
    Mihaela, from Montreal

  7. Valli

    Hello Auntyji,
    I have been watching your videos for a while.
    Hope you are doing fine.
    Wish to see some more new recipes from your treasure.


  8. Nicole

    Hi! Recently became interested in vegetarianism and I love Indian flavors. My friend recommended you! Question- in your recipes requiring oil, what kind of oil do you recommend for cooking? Thanks! Hope you feel better!!!!

    1. Nicole, I use canola oil for my most of the cookimg

      1. Nicole

        Thanks for the info!!! Excited to get started

  9. Ranjini Pillai

    Hope you get to feeling normal again soon.Know how getting sick can make you run down!Glad to see you back!

  10. Elke Gehrken

    Thank your for this nice picture. With love from Elke Gehrken – Germany

  11. Nick Gaudio

    Excited to see what you bring us in 2018, Manjula!!!

  12. Ellen

    So sorry to hear that you were sick! I hope that your recovery continues to go well and look forward to new videos in 2018.

  13. Carol Perryman

    Congratulations on your 50th anniversary – how wonderful! Thank you so much for your work and obvious caring. I know I am far from alone in valuing your videos and recipes. Best wishes to you and all your beautiful family!

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