My 61st Birthday

Manjula 61st Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great time with my family. I am sixty-one years old and I feel great. I am one of the lucky ones who have been able to live the life as I wanted with the support of my family and especially of my husband. Like everybody, I had my share of up and downs in my life but at the same time I have so many reasons to be thankful. Especially with what I am doing now, doing these cooking videos and web site. The success of this website has given me one more joy to be thankful about.I have made it a family ritual for all the family members on their birthdays, anniversary’s and holidays that we have a casual family get together and have dinner together.  Yesterday we all had dinner with my younger son.

In this photograph three people are missing. My two grand kids who went to sleep and of course my husband. He is the photographer.


59 responses to “My 61st Birthday”

  1. shweta

    hello aunty
    i am new to your website
    my hobby is cooking
    i love u to cook

    one day i was going through net and saw your website
    its really interesting

    thanks a lot aunty and belated happy birthday to u

  2. sunita

    hello manjula aunty,
    a very happy belated bday to you.
    may god bless you with choicest blessings.
    keep up the good work
    happiness always

  3. kuji

    Peace and Blessings Auntie. I’ve become one of your most avid fans! Thanks for caring and sharing!

  4. Adam

    Happy (way belated) birthday, Manjula. Your recipes are magnificent, and it’s fun to learn more about you, your family, and your life in general. Thanks for sharing!

  5. manjula kharkwal

    belated happy birthday mam……i wish aap jiyao hajjaro saal

  6. Anita

    Happy birthday Madam Manjula. I wish you many many happy and wonderful years ahead anad many more birthdays to come. Thank you for all you efforts in making the website and your videos. It has been a great guidance for me to do vegetarian cooking. It is useful, simple and easy to follow. You have been a great help through your website/video and I have benefited a lot from them.

    Warmest regards
    Anita from Malaysia

  7. Mary Govea

    Happy Birthday, Manjula, I know it’s late but I wish you the best in life. Thankyou for a wonderful website.
    Best Regards from Maria, Port Richey, Florida

  8. Happy Birthday Manjula!
    I know i’m a little bit late, anyway i wish you all the hapiness in the world.
    I come here from time to time to see your videos because i love indian food and have a foodblog.
    Regards from Moira in Portugal

  9. krithiga

    Belated Birthday Wishes Aunty…! May god bless with you all kinds of happiness,good health and peace in your life..i love cooking..especially your cooking..i have done so many recipes from your website..thank you so much..

  10. TGP

    Many Happy Returns of the Day, Manjula Aunty. So glad to see you on Faceboo. I am a BIG fan of your website.

  11. sybil

    Many happy returns of the day, Manjula. You have enriched the lives of so many people with your wonderful videos, that we all feel you are our favorite Auntie. We wish you a very happy and long life with your very lucky family.

  12. Anamika

    Hello Manjula Aunty,

    Wish you a very Happy Belated Birthday!! You’ve enriched many lives with your recipes. Thank you!!

  13. AM, Boston, MA

    Dearest Manjula Aunty,

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and God bless you with good health and happiness always. Blessings to you and your beloved family. (My secret wish – I wish I was your daughter).

    Warm regards,
    AM & hubby

  14. Anubha Jain

    Happy belated Taiji….
    I miss you very very very much…
    Love you always…

  15. Happy belated Birthday Manjula. I found your blog after watching so many of your wonder youtube videos, and wanted to thank you for sharing your beautiful food with us. I wish I knew someone like you to teach me to make vegetarian Indian food, but your videos have given me great enjoyment and instruction.

  16. Sarah

    Happy Birthday! I just stumbled upon your website. I can’t wait to try the Malai Kofta recipe. I always get it when I go out to eat, but I’m going to give it a go! Thanks so much for all that you do!

  17. himani

    Good cooking online clas aunti.
    Many many Belated happy bday to u.

  18. Karin

    Happy Birthday to you for earlier this month. You look amazing for 61..must be all the lovely food you eat. Regards, Karin Jones, Melbourne Australia. 🙂

  19. Mahendi

    Belated Happy Birthday
    I love to watch all ur videos thnx 4 sharing with us

  20. Kalpakam

    Belated “Happy Birthday” wishes Auntiji . Most of the time, I directly go to Youtube to see your videos & have not visited your website for sometime . Today, I opened your Blog to take down a recipe & that’s when I saw your birthday snap . I had visited US last month & was in Sunnyvale . I would have loved to meet up with you in person & have a chat since you reside in San Jose which is so close to Sunnyvale . But then, I was not sure & spend my time cotemplating… . May be next time , it will always be a pleasure to meet up with you in person & learn a lot more from you .
    Thank you so much for sharing your recipes .
    All the Very Best to you & your lovely family !!

  21. Marivien

    Hello Manjula. I am Marivien from the Philippines. I am your avid fan and I’ve learned so much from your wonderful recipes. I am having difficulty buying the spices that you use coz they are not available in the grocecies or markets. If you know of an Indian National living here in the Philippineswho sells these spices, kindly send his contact details so that I could buy the spices.
    Belated Happy Birthday and you are one great chef! Keep up the good work. You are a blessing indeed!

    1. Cora

      Hi Marivien,

      There are several Indian Groceries in the Philippines:
      Assad MINI Mart – United Nations Ave. Paco Manila (near Sikh Temple)
      tel. nos. 526 13 49 526 50 34
      They also have branches in Jupiter st. Makati

      Taj- somewhere in Bagtikan st.

      There are other Indian groceries near Assad too.

      Belated Happy Birthday Manjula-ji!
      Your effort in showing us how to cook Indian food is so well appreciated!!!!

  22. seema

    B’lated B’day Aunty.. May god bless u to have healthy years ahead.. ur recipes r gr8.and i’m a big fan of ur cooking

  23. Ritu

    Hi Aunty,

    Wish U A Belated Happy Birthday. My name is Ritu, I am settled in Finland with my husband Vijay. We are a great fan of all your recipes and keep following it daily. Your recipes are indeed very simple to make and a great hit when there are guests at home 🙂 I have recommended your website and recipes to my Mom back in India. Wish U all the happiness in life and god bless you.
    Ritu and Vijay

  24. Arthy

    Belated Birthday wishes Auntiji. May God bless you with a long and healthy life. You are doing a great service with your beautiful website. You wouldn’t know how many people have been by this. Its good Karma and thanks to your husband Alex for helping with the making of the videos and not compromising with the taste of the recipe. Your recipies are of the best quality and it proves your dedication and sincerity. Hope to see more videos in future. I wish you don’t overkill yourself with too much cooking and classes and
    slow down. Good luck.


  25. Sandhya

    Hello Aunty, Belated Many Many Happy Returns of the Day. Thanks a lot for sharing nice recipes.

  26. Madhuri

    Wish you many many happy returns of the day! Belated Happy Birthday wishes.

    I am a big fan of your videos aunty, i am happy to know about the ritual you are maintaining of get together on special occasions. I watch your videos not just because you are a wonderful cook, but also because to watch you as you remind me so much of my mom who is in India and i get to meet her only once a few years. I am so happy for you as you celebrated your 61st birthday. Once request from me aunty , now that we see you cooking, poor uncle is all the time contributing by video taking. He is not even seen in your cake cutting picture , that’s not fair, next time on my special request please have uncle do something on your show and you do the camera shooting for fun!!

  27. Dilraj

    Hi, Happy Belated B’day to you.

    I am dilraj, Recently got married about an year & half ago. I am very much fond of cooking, but when i came to Canada, last year, u know the kind of ingredients and stuff u get here is so much different that u get in India. Also i was always more into baking stuff n making special recipes- pav bhaji, Idli sambhar, etc. My Husband if very much fond of different types of food,so one day I was looking for some recipe on Naan, so i had the chance to look out for your site. I am lucky to have been able to learn the recipes, which is earlier thought to be difficult.
    Your recipes are easy and simple to follow. I enjoy watching your videos.
    Since the time i had a chance to get into your website, i keep on referring your website to amateurs like me, and even to people with experience, as i believe we can always learn something new in anything that we are or have been doing, so the rule applies to cooking as well!.

    Just wanted to wish you and hoping to learn many new recipes from you.

    With Warm Regards,
    Dilraj Nagi

  28. divya

    happy belated birthday manjula aunty!!!!!!!!!! i told my mom abt ur website and she loved watching all ur videos….shez a big fan of urs as she doesnt eat garlic….
    shez tried many of ur recipes and shez very excited to c all ur new recipes too…
    my kids love the namak paare which i learnt to make from ur recipe….thanks a lot for sharing ……looking forward for many more delicious recipes …..
    Best of Luck!!!!!!!

  29. Arthi

    Belated Happy Returns!

  30. Cathy

    Happy Belated Birthday! Your family is beautiful! My birthday is in August also, as is my husband’s.

  31. Dhrashti

    Many many happy returns of the day 🙂

  32. kanu

    Happy Birthday Aunty!
    It’s such a pleasure to see you so happy with your family..I am sure you had a great time with them. God bless you with many many more years to come. And we will have many more delicious food recipes also 🙂

  33. Sonaa

    Dear Manjula Auntie
    Wish you a very happy birthday! Your recepies are wonderful and turn out great everytime I try. I don’t shy away from inviting people at my place anymore. Being a strict vegetarian like yourself it is a great help. I have forwarded it to many friends. Even my mother and sister in India are hooked to it.
    Once again, many happy returns of the day!

  34. Hussain

    Happy birthday, Manjula! I hope that all the best comes your way!
    I’m going to try your vegetable biryani today. I already made my mom watch your youtube videos on how to make prathas and she’s so excited! She made two different kinds last night and is very very happy! Best of luck!


  35. Eveline

    Happy birthday Manjula and I appreciate you and your husband’s effort in making your videos. I love them and enjoy watching them very much. Good health to you and your family!

  36. Tina

    hi there manjula, a very happy belated birthday coming all the way from berlin (germany) to your place!! i have been checking in on your website for a long time and keep coming back and learning a lot from you. i appreciate that extremely and i would love to say a very special thank you to a very special person for a very special day, even though the day may be in the past! thank you so very much for your videos, i will definitely keep returning in the future and will keep learning from you. being a german, but loving all things india, i love to learn indian cooking, especially vegetarian :-))))
    big beary hugs to you and your family!!!

  37. Mona

    Happy birthday! Thank you for this wonderful site. I hope you have a beautiful year.

  38. R.D.

    Happy Belated Birthday Aunty. You are a great cook and have taught us through your videos. Much appreciation for that.

  39. Niti

    Hello Manjulaben,
    Big thank you all the way from England for your fab recipes, I came across your website by accident – was looking for a recipe for aloo paratha. Tried yor recipe and the parathas turned out really nice n tasty. My husband was surprised that I could make such a dish. But I had to confess that the recipe is off your website.
    Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us and if you have an eggless cake recipe then please put it on your site.
    Much appriciated.
    Niti Ghelani

  40. We love your blog and especially your videos, Manjula! What a beautiful family you have. Happy belated birthday wishes, many, many more, and let’s see a photo of your photographer some day!

  41. Hi, So glad you had a Happy Birthday! I like my family to share a meal and cake together on those special days, too. Thank you so much for your recipes and especially the fantastic instructional videos. I made your Pav Bhaji the other evening and everyone in my family loved it. Thank you!!
    Peace, Stephanie

  42. madhuri

    Aunty ji,
    Happy birthday to you..I do keep trying your recipes but Im a silent reader of your website…I have sent ur website to many of my friends who would love to cook….Keep up the good work.Glad you had good time !

  43. Nidhu

    Wish you a very happy belated B’day aunty!

  44. Nathalie

    Many happy returns on your birthday and wishing you the best for the year ahead.

  45. Ralph

    Happy Birthday from a keen reader in the U.K.
    I love your videos.


    Hi Aunty,

    Wish u a very happy belated birthday, may we keep on learning so many yummy recipes from u for many more years to come. It also comes as a co-incidence that my mother-in-law also shares a b’day with u. And ofcourse what a beautiful cake!.


  47. Belated birthday wishes Aunty!

  48. Fern

    What a beautiful family you have!

    Congratulations on your birthday! Sounds like it was a good day.

  49. Jennidy

    Happy Birthday!!

  50. Jaya

    Janamdin Mubarak – Happy Birthday!

  51. Sreeranjani

    Happy Birthday Auntie !! Have a wonderful year ahead…Love you

  52. Nittu

    Happy B day Aunty! Wishing u a long life!

  53. Happy birthday, Manjula! 🙂

  54. Isha

    Happy Birthday Aunty!

  55. anil

    happy bday manjula auntie. i learnt a lot from ur recipes. Do get compliments from my friends all the time bcoz of u.

    thanks and enjoy…


  56. Happy birthday!

    I bet the food was delicious too.

  57. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

  58. Linda

    A very happy birthday to you, Manjula! I found your website a few days ago while searching for a curry recipe. Your videos are absolutely wonderful ~ the way in which you present your recipes and provide instruction is very easy to follow. I will admit, I haven’t tried one yet as I only “met” you a few days ago, but I am SO looking forward to creating my first meal!

    I used to live with an Indian family many years ago (I rented a suite in their house). You remind me of the mom in this family. She spoiled me on a regular basis with her tasty cooking. I imagine you are much the same with your family 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your recipes and expertise. I will let you know how my first meal turns out!

    Again, I hope you have a very happy birthday and a wonderful year!


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