How it all began – The story behind Manjula’s Kitchen

Manjula recording a cooking video in her kitchen, with a cameraman and professional lighting

My journey to start my YouTube channel began in December 2006. I still find it hard to believe I am still running a successful channel that I enjoy with all my heart. We will continue to bring you great content as long as we can. When I say “we” I mean my husband Alex, who has been instrumental in this journey as my videographer, and I. This foray into the world of YouTube and social media was something I never imagined I would be involved in, let alone plan. This was especially true since I had no idea what YouTube even was at that time. Not knowing just how big YouTube was or what kind of platform it was probably an advantage for me because I did not feel scared or threatened by it.

Tomato Chutney Recipe by Manjula

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sharing my recipes worldwide. As I have always said, I am not a formally trained chef. After our first video, I just felt in my heart that I just may have stumbled upon something special. I asked Alex if he we would be willing to work with me to try one more video. At that time, there were limited Indian cooking YouTube videos. YouTube was also relatively new and nothing like it is today. My younger daughter-in-law, Joy, heard my idea and suggested I do simple recipes for new cooks, with precise, easy-to-follow directions. She thought it was important I use exact measurements and making sure I try every recipe, so the measurements are perfect. She also suggested I venture into fusion dishes, taking elements for various cuisines and perfecting them into my own recipes.

Manjula's Kitchen: Best of Indian Vegetarian Recipes (2nd Edition)

My family could tell that something was sparked within me. I felt happier than ever. Had I found a second career after many years of retirement? Maybe, just maybe I had stumbled into something special? I remember my oldest granddaughter being so excited that Dadi (grandmother) was on the computer! When I first started this venture, everyone in the family helped out. My kids helped me take the videos. While I did not take it seriously when I first started, I knew I was really enjoying what I was doing. I felt good doing something I loved and was passionate about. I also knew that I was helping other people learn to cook!

After some time, I remember receiving an e-mail from YouTube asking if I would like to partner with them. We were told we would get paid depending on the amount of “views” we received. At the time, I had no idea how this process worked. However, we decided that could only be a win-win situation and immediately filled out the application. After being accepted as an official YouTube partner, I can vividly remember the feeling of elation and joy when seeing my first paycheck. I was more happy about accomplishing something I did not think I could do, then the actual paycheck. Of course, I could not believe I was getting paid to pursue my passion and hobby!

After producing about 40 plus videos, some viewers suggested I launch a website featuring my recipes and videos. My computer-savvy nephew thought this was an excellent idea and introduced me to his friend who agreed to design my website. Sateesh, my original website designer, did an excellent job with my website and still runs it to this day! Thank you so much to my viewers who suggested this idea.

While Manjula’s Kitchen and my YouTube channel is merely a hobby, it has given me immense happiness. It has boosted my self-confidence and has really given me a sense of pride. I take pride in ensuring my videos consist of quality, well thought- out recipes! The positive and gracious feedback I’ve received really has inspired me. I love it when I meet the young viewers who tell me they learned everything they know about cooking from me! I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you, the viewers, who have stayed with me for all these years, and of course YouTube who presented me with this fabulous opportunity. I hope you enjoyed learning about how my journey began…Stay safe & healthy everyone!

Manjula's Kitchen ebook


One response to “How it all began – The story behind Manjula’s Kitchen”

  1. Thanks for sharing your story. It is an amazing story. In this pandemic era every people has started their own YouTube channel but no one give proper time for it.

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