Happy Holidays!!

The holidays are officially here! It’s the time to look forward to vacations and relax with family and friends! So what’s better than having family and friends over for a great meal?! For the upcoming holiday season I’m going to be suggesting some dishes that I think will be perfect for your upcoming holiday get togethers. Today’s ideas include starting with carrot ginger soup, followed with Chola Battura, Aloo Gobhi, Vegetable Raita, and Kheer as a traditional Indian dessert. Try these and enjoy!

Carrot Ginger Soup Battura (Fried Puffed Bread) Punjabi Chola Aloo Gobi Vegetable Raita Kheer Rice Pudding




3 responses to “Happy Holidays!!”

  1. Thanks for sharing this information it’s very useful for me. You have clearly explained thank you.

  2. Wow…All my favourite dishes

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