Contest November 2012

I enjoyed last year’s contest for Thanksgiving, so it will be the same this year. This month’s contest is make any recipe using squash as the main ingredient. It can be any type of squash (ex. Pumpkin is in the squash family). You may make any type of recipe such as an appetizer, main dish, or dessert.  I look forward to seeing something new this time. The rules for November are the following:

  • Any recipe that uses Squash as main ingredient.
  • It must be vegetarian and also egg-less
  • Please submit only ONE recipe.

In general I will only consider recipes that I feel are complete in regards to ingredients, measurement, and instruction. From there I am looking for creativity and a recipe that my viewers would enjoy to prepare on their own. I will be judging on overall recipe and presentation also.

Be sure to check out Manjula’s spicy squash recipe as an example. Good Luck!

Below is my checklist:

  • Be Creative!
  • Ingredients should be listed with measurements.
  • Method must be explained clearly, so it’s easy to follow.
  • Please include your name along with the recipe (as you would like it to appear).
  • Search the web for ideas. There are many resources available.
  • Please send me a detailed recipe to
  • You must also send original picture(s) of the recipe – do not simply grab a photo from the web. Otherwise your recipe will not be considered for entry.
  • The deadline is November 27th.
  • The winner will be featured on the homepage with the new recipe and a link to their website (if available).

1st Prize: $100 gift certificate from
2nd Prize: $25 gift certificate from

**Anyone can join this contest**


5 responses to “Contest November 2012”

  1. Sasi

    I am checking every day to see if you Announced the winner… so excited! 🙂

  2. Ananth Sundara-Rajan

    Although I am reasonably sure that ” ash pumpkin” also called ” white pumpkin” is a variety of squash, I want your opinion. It loooks like a smooth and big gourd, but It is a squash.

    My wife Lalitha has sent an entry for the November contest based upon my suggestion that “ash pumpkin” is really a squash. Boy! I’ll get into domestic trouble if I am not correct!

  3. This sounds fantastic! I can’t wait to send in my recipe! ^^

  4. Mithu

    I have a food blog. Shall I send a recipe which is posted in my blog??

    1. Mithu,
      Yes you can do that

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