Contest December 2010

As the holiday season is going into full swing this month, I thought another dessert would be a good idea. For this month, the recipe can be any warm dessert that includes at least two of the follow nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios. One of these however must be used as a main ingredient in the dessert. Happy holidays and good luck!

You can visit my desserts page for ideas.

Below is my checklist:

  • Ingredients should be listed with measurements.
  • Method must be explained clearly, so it’s easy to follow.
  • Be Creative!
  • Search the web for ideas. There are many resources available.
  • Please send me a detailed recipe to
  • You must also send original picture(s) of the recipe – do not simply grab a photo from the web. Otherwise your recipe will not be considered for entry.
  • The deadline is December 19th.
  • The winner will be featured on the homepage with the new recipe and a link to their website (if available).

1st Prize: $50 gift certificate from
2nd Prize: $25 gift certificate from

**Anyone can join this contest**


5 responses to “Contest December 2010”

  1. jane jakins



    what do you mean by’warm dessert’?It should be hot during serving?

    1. admin

      yes Shruthi, the dessert should be served warm.

  3. Can’t wait to see all the great recipes that will come out of this contest!

  4. Congrats Nithu on the win, Your recipe is wonderful .

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