Contest August 2010 Winners

There were great recipes submitted this month. I would like to thank everyone who participated. I’ve chosen the following as the top five entries. The voting is now over. We had a very close race.

The first place winner is Jyoti Ralhan (Eggplant Roti Wrap) and the 2nd place goes to Vinitha Krishnan (Kathi Roll).

[poll id=”2″]


2 responses to “Contest August 2010 Winners”

  1. Neeta

    Hello Manjula, I do not believe letting people vote on a photograph as to which one tastes the best is a good idea for the following reasons:

    1) Your top 5 ask their family and friends ( I too was asked which is how we found out about your existence and you are doing a fantastic job of educating people on vegetarian Indian cooking – Congrats and thanks!) to vote for them which makes this selection unfair!

    2) If you must have us vote, let us atleast judge based on ingredients in the top 5 recipes so, we can judge the nutritional and taste value.

    3) Still suggest YOU must be the final judge of the recipe after tasting it!

    If not, the contest is mute!

    Good Luck and thanks for an awesome job you and your hubby do to raise our kids into good Indian cooks!

  2. Radha

    Hello Aunty,

    Is the voting still going on? When are the winners going to be declared?

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