Contest 2014 December

The holiday season is in full swing so this month’s contest is to make a holiday egg-less dessert recipe.

The specific rules are the following:

  • The recipe must be a dessert recipe.
  • You may use any ingredients for the recipe.
  • It must be vegetarian and also egg-less.
  • Please submit only ONE recipe.

In general I will only consider recipes that I feel are complete in regards to ingredients, measurement, and instruction. From there I am looking for creativity and a recipe that my viewers would enjoy to prepare on their own. I will be judging on overall recipe and presentation also.

Below is my checklist:

  • Be Creative!
  • Ingredients should be listed with measurements.
  • Method must be explained clearly, so it’s easy to follow.
  • Please include your NAME along with the recipe (as you would like it to appear).
  • Search the web for ideas. There are many resources available.
  • Please send me a detailed recipe to
  • You must also send original picture(s) of the recipe – do not simply grab a photo from the web. Otherwise your recipe will not be considered for entry.
  • The deadline is December 28th.
  • The winner will be featured on the homepage with the new recipe and a link to their website (if available).

1st Prize: $100 gift certificate from
2nd Prize: $25 gift certificate from

**Anyone can join this contest**


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