Contest 2012 January

To start off the New Year, January contest will be an easy one and I hope everyone will participate.

Create any recipe from Manjula’s Kitchen website and post the photo on facebook or google plus. That’s all there is for this contest. Two winners will be chosen at random.

Please be sure to tag Manjula’s Kitchen Page onto the photo on facebook.

If you are using google plus, my link to the Google Plus page is here.

Add me to facebook if you haven’t already done so:

Also, you can find me on google Plus:

Below is my checklist:
  • You will not have to email me anything this time.
  • Simply tag a photo of any one of my recipes  on facebook or google plus.
  • The contest will be open until January 31th.
  • The winner will be featured on the homepage and a link to their website (if available).
1st Prize: $100 gift certificate from 2nd Prize: $25 gift certificate from **Anyone can join this contest**


9 responses to “Contest 2012 January”

  1. Lyan A.

    I have tagged you in 3 photos for this contest on Facebook using the name “Aleem Alsabti”. They are all different recipes though… 😀

  2. Tina Kennett

    Dear Manjula.
    I wanted to post a coment really thanking you for having such a wonderfull cooking site, Being German/Canadain I am no exposed to much different food’s. I am ill with cancer and started cooking some of my favorite dish’s from youtube such as carrot halwa, Aloo gabi, palak spinach paneer and zucchinni rice for an example. I have been back from doctor and he says my health is so much better from my diet. I guess I wanted you just to hear a positive story that may have come from your wonderfull cooking. I am now not bored with food and once again I am enjoying the kitchen for many reasons. I am planning to enter your contest simply because i am proud of these recipies. Thank you again for being a clear and easy to learn from teacher. Sincerly
    Tina from Canada

  3. Hello,
    I would love to do so…
    I have same question as Teena asked. Can i post your recipe with my clicked image and linked back your page on my blog.

  4. Teena

    Thts a cool contest Manjula aunty !! I just love to try your recipes 🙂 Glad that more than one recipe can be uploaded too ! I’ll definitely give a try. Besides tagging your page in Facebook, can i post your recipe details with my pic (mentioning that it is your recipe) in my blog ??

  5. Pam Boland

    cool site !

  6. Robert Weaver

    Winning !

  7. Nisha

    How many entries allowed per person, aunty?

    1. You can can enter more than one photo if you like, but please make sure they are different recipes.

      1. Nisha

        Ok, thank you!
        Can I post all the photos I have clicked till now of dishes from your recipes ever since last year when I started learning new dishes from your videos, or do they have to be new creations?

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