About Manjula’s Kitchen

Manjula recording a cooking video in her kitchen, with a cameraman and professional lighting
Recording a Cooking Video

Manjula Jain was born in North India into a vegetarian family. Her mother was an excellent cook who paid attention to every detail. One of the most important details for her was cooking with fresh ingredients. As a child and young adult, she helped her mother in the kitchen. Manjula learned to cook with just a few spices and herbs in order not to compromise the taste of the vegetables, grains and lentils.

After moving to the U.S. from India in the late 1960s, she maintained her vegetarian lifestyle rooted in Jain principles of non-violence and the mantra ‘live and let live.’

With the release of her first YouTube video in 2006, over 800 videos have been created. More than 599K users in 150 countries subscribe to her channel.

Today, Manjula continues to share her love of this lifestyle through simple, flavorful recipes that celebrate the vibrant world of vegetarian cuisine.